

The 2010s: A Decade in Review

The first decade of the 21st century introduced us to sweeping mobile and social revolutions largely driven by names like Jobs, Zuckerberg and Bezos. In the second decade that's now ...

From IVF to Gene Surgery

The first “test-tube baby” is now more than 40 years old, and all is well with her. Millions more babies have followed by means of in vitro fertilization, or ...

Jennifer Doudna on gene editing

Jennifer Doudna talks to Richard Waters, the FT's San Francisco bureau chief, about how she discovered the CRISPR Cas-9 system and how it is transforming the world of gene ...

Distillations Interview: Jennifer Doudna

Distillations talks to biochemist Jennifer Doudna about the discovery of CRISPR-Cas9, the tool’s promise, and dangers of its misuse. Biochemist Jennifer Doudna and her colleagues rocked the research world in ...

TIME 100

Scientist He Jiankui showed the world how human embryo editing is relatively easy to do but incredibly difficult to do well. Going against the consensus in the scientific community ...

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