Doudna giving Milken Global Conference talk on CRISPR

The Future of Humankind feat. Al Gore, Jennifer Doudna, Guruduth Banavar, Eric Schmidt

What will it be like to be human a century from now? Will 100- or even 120-year lifespans be commonplace as disease is tamed by gene editing and precision medicine? Will technology render many jobs obsolete, creating a society of leisure – and unemployment? Will climate change permanently alter our planet’s ecosystem? Will computers take over many of the tasks we humans now perform on a daily basis?

One thing is certain: Science and technology are advancing at a mind-boggling pace, and advances such as these – once considered fantasy – now appear to be within reach.

To underscore this year’s Global Conference theme, “The Future of Humankind,” the Milken Institute has dedicated this lunch session to hearing from some of the world’s most forward-thinking leaders on what we can expect in the coming century. These advances hold incredible promise, but be prepared for unintended consequences.




UC Berkeley



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